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ProBux Tricks & Tips - Make Money Online

Earn Money Online with ProBux - Tricks & Tips

 Introduction :

When i first learned about ProBux 1 year ago, i thought it would be impossible to earn significant income when you only earn a penny per click. I had no probux education or Probux strategy, and so i walked away from it. However, some time later i found an online Probux Strategy Guide that explained how to properly rent referrals and to begin to view Probux as a Buisness, not just a"Paid to Click" site.
In the following Probux strategy guide, i will share with you the basic principals of renting Probux referrals, how to manage your Probux referrals, how to have FREE Direct Probux referrals added to your account automatically, and other Probux tips and tricks, and all this in 9 achievable goals. Established users may find some of the information trivial, but new Probux members will find most of the data critical to their success. Every Probux member should read the guide as i have developed solutions for many of the common issues that 'Probuxers' have.

Part 1 : Getting Started :

What is ProBux ?
ProBux is a PTC (Paid To Click) service where members earn a small amount of money for viewing ads (advertisements). It is 100% legitimate and ProBux is possibly the number one PTC site on the internet. Advertisers on ProBux are fully aware that members are being paid to view the ads, so it is a fair system to all.
How do i earn money with ProBux ?
 There are three basic streams of income from ProBux :
  • Income from your personal actions on the site (viewing ads, doing mini-jobs, etc)
  • Commissions paid to you from RRs (Rented Referrals) - explained later in part 3.
  • Commissions paid to you from DRs (Direct Referrals) - explained later in Part4. 
How much can i make ?
If you are willing to put a small amount of time each day, and if you follow this guide, you should be able to make well over $1,000 per month spending less than 30 minutes each day. Some users make several thousand dollars per month with the same time commitment. It will not happen overnight, but with some doligence, this is certainly an achievable goal already reached by many of the ProBux veterans.
How do i get started ?
If you have not already signed up for ProBux, Click on any of the ProBux banners within the guide or Sign up here.
Something to think about...If you have 200 DRs but they are uneducated about ProBux and quit, you won't make money from them! My goal is to help you acquire active ProBux referrals so that you can make more money. Typically, educated referrals are active referrals!
After you have signed up, continue to part 2.

Part 2 : The First Two Weeks : ( 1 Goal to complete ).

In my opinion, the first two weeks are "make it or break it" with Probux users. Sadly, a lack of education will cause many to leave, but you are in the right place to avoid missing out on this great opportunity.

During the first 15 days, you are not eligible for DRs, so do not focus on that at all. Your ONLY focus should be:

  • Getting into the daily routine of viewing the ads assigned to you.
  • Earning your first $0.60 so you can begin the referral rental process.

It is critical that you view EVERY ad assigned to you during this period so that you can remove the limits from your account and be eligible for DRs as soon as possible. You need to be a member for 15 days and have 100 ad views to remove the limit.

TIP : View ads by logging in and clicking the "View Ads" buton at the top of the page.

You are not going to earn much during the first two weaks, that's a fact jack.

15 days * approx. $0.04 / day = $0.60 ... trivial as it may seem, $0.60 is your first goal.

Goal 1 - Earn $0.60.

TIP : If you are able to complete mini jobs, you can reach goal 1 withing a day or two!

If you are interested in a small jump start and have even just a few dollars to invest into your new Probux Business, there is instructions in part 3.However, the 15 days requirment before you are eligible for DRs will still take ( you guessed it ) 15 days.

Part 3 : Renting Your First Referrals :  ( 3 Goals to complete ).

Congratulations, you just graduated from kindergarten! It's a big deal to make it through the first 15 days. A lot of people quit before this point ... and guess what, This is where the fun begins! You're gonna do just fine!
Once you have at least $0.60 in your Probux account (even if the 15 days are not up yet), you have enough to rent 3 referrals. As mentioned above, you can "jump start" your business by investing a few dollars of you own and begin renting Probux referrals sooner.

Before you do read this :
According to the TOS : "If you click at least 4 advertisements being a Standard / Pioneer member or if you click at least 9 advertisements being a Golden member, you'll receive all clicks made from your referrals."

TIP : The required ads are the "fixed advertisements" [Yellow/Gold] ... Though you should always view every ad available anyway.

Goal 2 - Rent 3 referrals by clicking the "Rent Referrals" on your account home page.
Goal 3 - Turn on "Autopay" Within the Referrals -> Rented Menu.
(From the original guide i found)
"Referrals cost $0.20 a month to maintain. Instead of paying for the referral, they will pay for themselves as long as autopay is on. You get one penny less from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active. As a standard, you receive $0.005 per click from each RR."
I prefer Autopay = Enabled because each day your referrals are active, they pay for themselves to be extended. This way, you do not need to worry about how much money to reserve for re-rental. Autopay is a MUST! 
 TIP : There is a 15% discount applied when using Autopay as well, yet another good reason to use it.
TIP : The money has to be in Rental Balance to use AUTOPAY.
 Assuming your 3 rented referrals stay active, you will earn the following:
  • 3 RR * 4 RR-Clicks at $0.005 each = $0.06 / day.
  • Clicking ads assigned to you, still approx $0.04 / day.
  • For a total of $0.10 / day.
After that :
  • Within one more week you can rent 3 more referrals, and be earning $0.16 / day.
  • The following week you will have enough to rent 3 more referrals ( now you will have 9 RRs ) for a total of $0.18 / day.
  • The week after that, you will have enough to rent 3 more referrals ( now you will have 12 RRs ) for a total of $0.24 / day.
  • At the end of the forth week from when you rented your first RRs, you will have enough to rent 10 more referrals ( now you will have 22 RRs ) for a total of $0.44 / day.
  • And so on ...
" Here is a proof that untill now the Guide tell's the truth !! "

TIP : If a rented referral is inactive for 14 days, it will be replaced with a new one for free !
Continue viewing your assigned advertisements each day so that you can earn your rented referrals income, and when you save up enough money to rent more referrals, get them! The more rented referrals you have, the more you will make. I recommend choosing a day of the week for rentals, and on that day rent as many as the funds in your Probux account can afford.

Goal 4 - Continue untill acquire 200 rented referrals.
Yes, it will take some time, but remember, you are building a business and passive income with just a small time commitment each day ! It goes pretty fast since referrals increases your income, and increased income allows you to rent more referrals. 
TIP : 200 RRs * 4 RR-Clicks at $0.005 per click = $4 / day ... It will take about twenty days to save up $80 for part 4.
Once you have 200 referrals, STOP renting and save up $80 in your Probux account. I will explain this more in part 4.

Part 4 : Enjoy Your Profits !! (2 Goals to complete ).

Now that you have 200 referrals, Stop renting and save up $80 so that you can upgrade Golden. Once you go Golden, you will double up your income nearly instantly since the payouts 2x - 10x for your clicks and referral clicks !
Goal 6 - Upgrade your account to Golden. 
 Here is you income before Golden :
200 RRs * 4 RRs-Clicks at $0.005 per click = $4.00 / day. ( Plus DR-Clicks and your personal clicks ).
Here is your income after you go Golden :
200 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per click = $8.00 / day. ( Plus DR-Clicks and your personal clicks ).
 Once you've gone Golden, begin renting referrals again. It's tempting to cash out, but you really need to get to the maximum number of RRs and DRs so that you earn as much as possible.
Goal 7 - Build your RRs to 2000.
Resume your rental process and acquire 2,000 RRs. This will not make too terribly long since by now you should be earning over $200 per month.
2000 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per RR-click = $80 / day ( plus your DR-clicks and your personal clicks / tasks ).
TIP : When you go Golden, you will have to view 9 Fixed ads per day instead of 4 !
At this point you are a true Master of Probux !
Goal 8 - Upgrade you account to Ultimate.
Once you have $790 in your Probux account, use it and upgrade to "Ultimate" for one year,  so you can rent to 4000 referrals, and gain more benefits.
Goal 9 - Build your RRs to 4000.  
4000 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per RR-click = $160 / day ( plus your DR-clicks and your personal clicks / tasks ).
That's ... 
 $160 * 30 Days = $4800 / Month
 Isn't that Awesome ... By now you will already be laughing all the way to the bank ! 
$$ Enjoy Your New Side Job $$

Final Thoughts :

Math is math no magic.
Mathematically speaking, the formulas used by Probux are set up for you to be successfull, if you are committed to your own success. It is not difficult, but it takes diligence. Math Does not lie, and it is no magic. the numbers speak for themselves.
Promises and guarantees.
Life is full of people who will say anything to get what they want. Watch out for those people ! Probux is not a get rich quick program, but you can certainly earn significant additional income if treated like a job / business. The examples used in this guide are accurate, however you should understand that not all of your RRs will give you 4 Clicks everyday. Some will give you more, some will give you less. So in that sense the examples are accurate, but your experience will vary a little. Obviously i cannot promise you wealth, but i can guarantee that you will earn money with Probux if you follow this guide !
To recycle or not to recycle ?
Recyling inactive RRs is an option, but personally i feel the manuel recycling is not cost efficient early on when the system auto-recycles for free. Once you have established income, manual recyling may be beneficial. 
How can i get Direct Referrals ?
There are many ways to acquire DRs ... You can promote your referral link in YouTube facebooktwitter, Word of mouth, forum signatures, AdWords, chat-rooms...And When you do give them this guide, so that you can have active DRs ... Like i have already said "Educated Referrals Are Active Referrals".

Convinced ? ... So what are you waiting for ? ... Click on the banner below to Sign Up !!

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Addmefast Imacros Scripts 100% working Download Updated

  • Addmefast Make Auto Points with Imacros



How to use:

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ProBux Earning Tips & Tricks - Make Money Online

How earn money with PTC site - PROBUX - Tutorial


Most of us start earning on internet with PTC site because it take no money to start but making money on most of ptc sites is quite slow and boring without right guide. 
So, today i will tell you some methods for probux ptc site and if you follow them i guarantee you will start make good money in few weeks.

The same method works for other ptc sites too but probux is better for newbie because no other legit ptc will give you $0.01 per click. On probux you can easily earn $0.06 daily.


1. First step is to sign up for ProBux. It is easy and free to join. Once you verify you will be 

able to access your account and start clicking ads.


2. Clicking ads will make you a small amount everyday on other PTC sites but on probux you can make enough , 

the bigger money will come as you gain referrals. See help on probux for click rates.


3. Click all the of the advertisements (4-5) every day for 30 days (you can complete Tasks offers for fast)


4. Keep clicking all of the advertisements (4-5) daily, Once your balance contains $0,6 rent 3 referrals. If 3 

rented referrals click 4 ads a day you earn $0.06 a day + $0.04 your clicks, $0.6 in just 6 days.


5. Repeat Step 4 until you reach 400 rented referrals.


6. Upgrade to Golden membership. Pay for the upgrade using Paypal or Alertpay. Turn Autopay off. ( see 

upgraded members click rate under help on neobux)


7. Keep clicking all of the advertisements (9-12) daily, and transfer all of your earnings to your rental balance 

every day. Once your rental balance contains $20.00, rent another 100 referrals.  


Create Account Here

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Make Money Online Get average $1 Per File Download

Make Money Online Get average $1 Per File Download






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EA SPORTS Cricket 2005 free full version Download

EA SPORTS Cricket 2005 free full version with crack and serial with commentary


EA SPORTS Cricket 2005 returns to the pitch. In addition to the international teams and bonus squads, you can now play with domestic teams and compete in England, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The all-new Twenty20 tournament will be fully licensed with season modes also on offer. Cricket will revolve around a TV style presentation including a full action replay mode, third umpire, animated ducks, TV style overlays, field position editor and much more. The field position editor will allow for auto or manual fielding. Over 35 dynamically lit stadiums will be modeled from all over the world, including Lords in England, Calcutta, Melbourne, Auckland, Cape Town, Barbados and Lahore…
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TV style gameplay including TV overlays and a detailed replay feature allowing the player to view the action from an infinite number of camera angles.
A brand new create a player allows gamers to create and edit players as they would will other blockbuster sports games such as FIFA.
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4 Player, (consoles), with 2 player co-operative play.
Genre: Sports
File Size: 283 MB
Publisher: EA Sports

Min Requirements:
OS: WinXp/Win2k/Win9x
CPU: 1500 MHz
GFX: 64 MB 3D Vid Card



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