Tricks and Tips

m0d s0beit MTA SA 1.3 [Enable]



1: Look below in the picture where you can find the file you have to edit.

2: Edit the file, find the line " <!-- Comma separated  list of disabled anti-cheats.

3: use ! now open your server and use m0d s0beit.

4: If any problem occur, you can leave a comment.

5: Download this  m0d s0ebit, other versions won't work on new MTA ===> Here <===

6: Must Look ==> Click here <==

Important : Remember it only works in our server or on those server who allowed s0beit.

















Unblock Websites 




Unblock any locked website by clicking here

You-tube must be unblock by this.

































How TO Protect Your Online Data or Accounts 



 Hacker (term), is a term used in computing that can describe several types of persons

How To Protect

1: Use Firefox only for accounts security. And look what do next below in picture

2: Open Firefox and goto Tools > Options > Security and That box is in the picture look on it!

3: Use Avira or Kasper Sky the most Professionals and Top ratings.

4: Always use Anti-Logger to protect from any type of online hacking's Click Here

5: You are Done. You have now maximum protection!












































 Get Facebook Page Tagging Code New

Hello friend how are you? here i came with a small trick to get Facebook page tagging code many of friend ask me to do find her Facebook tagging code so i taught to put this trick here for you all.

So here is trick step with step.


1. Go to your Facebook page.

2. Click on setting button near to like button. See the image below.

3. Right click on Share from list

4. Click on open link in new tab

5. Now go to new Tab.See image below.

6. Copy Last code after see in example []=


7. So 222099157907114 This is my page code now put this code in to @[Your code here :]

So it will look like this.► @[222099157907114:]

Done... now this is your Facebook page tagging code. :)












































Turn off unuseful Facebook notification 




 Facebook gives you every information(notification) about your friend and in your network. Sometimes we don't want some notification like someone commented on your tagged photo. or this can be anyone notification so here i am going to show you how to stop those unwanted notifications.

Just follow the simple step.

1. Click On The Notificatio Here is an example photo.just follow the image.

2. Click On the Unfollow you can see in image.

2. Depending on the notification type you can ither unfollow or ither turn off the notification.

Done Enjoy and leave comment and suggetion.






























Unlike All Facebook Page In A Single Click



If you have like too many pages in facebook and you want to unlike all the pages then to do this is mannully is very difficuly and time consuming at that time when you have liked too many page.i was also finding some trick to unlike all page in facebook in a single click and i found one working trick so i am going to share with you this here you just follow this simple steps.


1. Login to your Facebook Account.

2.Open This Blog►  Click Here To Open

3.Enter Access Token you yan see in example.

4.Now Just Click On Go Delete Page.

wait for some time after finish jsut close this and you are done you all page are now unliked.

 when your page unlike finish this will look like this.

Please Comment If You Have Any Question.

















































Facebook Copy Paste Comment. 



Facebook Copy Paste Comment.

Copy Commet Code Given Below And Pest In To Facebook Comment Box And This Will Make Some Cool Design In Your Comments So Enjoy Our New Post. You Can Also Check Facebook Colore Text Generator Here Is The Link Facebook Colore Text Generator.

Here Is Aa Example

☼ .So Enjoy here are the Comment Code And Example Output Photo.

1. i Love You Comment

1. Comment Code

2. Love Heart Comment.

2. Comment Code

3.I Like This Comment Code

3. Comment Code

4.Car Driving

4. Comment Code

5.I Love You.

5. Comment Code

6.Beautiful Heart

6.Comment Code

Please Leave A Comment To Give Response.













































New Facebook color chat text generator


Want's to impress your friend using Facebook color chat text generator like this below image..

This is very easy to do like this....

jsut open this link and do. Facebook colore text generator

See this image for now you can understand easily...

if you like this post then please share with friend and yes don't forget to subscribe there developers.














































Make your computer welcomes you when you log on 





This is very simple and cool trick to impress your friend.

in this trick when you start you computer it will say "Welcome Back,your name"

and can use your own msg..

isn't it cool..!!

lets start the tricks.

just follow these steps.

1.Open notepad and copy the code in it.

code is.

Dim speaks, speech
speaks="Welcome Back, yourname"
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks

2. Put your name at the place of your name.

3. Save this with the name of welcome.vbs

4.  Copy File welcome.vbs and paste it in bellow address.

For Windows-7 user.

C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

For Windows-Xp user.

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

done, now just do log of your computer and log in will welcome you.

Please Do Follow this blog if you like our post.












































Animated Gif Facebook Time Line Cover




Put animate gif picture in your facebook time line cover.

just follow this simple step.


1. Tag yourself in this picture. (Like Below.)

Picture 1

Picture 2

2. Change Cover ► and choose from photos...picture see shown below.

3. Now just click on that photo which you tag right now..that animated photo.see in below image.

4. and now just click Save Changes

5. you can enjoy your animated time line cove and impress your friends....hey do subscribe me or follow my blog if you like this post. thank you.

you can also like my page.

























































Recover Permanently Deleted File.



Recover Permanently Deleted File.

Sometimes we delete the files permanently, and realize that deleting them is like a Blunder...

For all those folks,

Here is the solution

Software called "Kissass Undelete" , can bring those files from the hard disk or your flash drive.

Conditions : Only if the data on that drive is not re-occupied(or written). that means the space which was available after the deletion is not been occupied after the deletion.

Click Here to download the .

1).To start searching for the files,

Select the drive from the Left panel of the Windows and Click the scan button.

the Scan might take upto 10 secs.

2).When the files search has been completed, it will show you the results with the name, typ, size and the last modified date of the searched file.

3).Now you can select the file to be recover. This is an Open source application and available for All Windows OS(Windows XP/Vista/ 7).
















































Make blank comment and send blank msg to facebook chat box



hello friend this is MegaFire and here is a new trick to impress your friend with blank comment and blank msg in to chat fox just follow this post it's too easy and intresting....enjoy please leave comment if you like.

Example post here




Method 1

@+[0: ]

Remove + sign . (Its a blank Comment Codes)



In keyboard Press alt 0173 after that leave alt . (Its For Blank Comment & Blank Post Codes

you can read more Facebook tricks

please give us your feedback and comment in comment box thank you.


















































Increase Your Facebook Page Like.



Friend Want To Increase Your Facebook page i a trick.

just follow this simple step.

1.Join This Group.INCREASE FACEBOOK PAGE LIKE(1000 To 100000) | T4T & S4S

2.Get Your Page Tagging Code.

3.Post your page tagging code in to group then people comment you to tag there page in your page just start tagging other page and get tagged your page. this will help you to increase your page like...that's it....thank you .

here is an example photo.

if you like this post then you can read more Facebook tricks

























































Access Internet Faster

If you use the internet for reference and the sites you visit are rarely updated then try the following. In IE (the same can be done in Netscape) go to Tools, Internet Options. Next, click on Settings... in the Temporary Internet Files section. Finally, select Never for the first option and double the amount of storage space to use, click OK!

       ~ Find more tricks ~


if u like it then plzz comment.























































Update Status And Comment in Blue


( Blue Text ) Update Status And Comment in Blue

To make blue text in post or comment copy any code and pest into your status box or comment box and click on share....


CODE 2.    @@[3:[0:3:YOUR STATUS OR COMMENT]] 




                                                         Findout  more Facebook tricks

do comment and share with your friend if you like this.






















































Use your pen drive as a RAM





Friend here i am going to show you a amezing tricks to use your pendrive as a RAM(Random access memory) 

Follow these steps :-

1. Insert the Pen Drive (1GB at least) in the USB port

try to prefer 4GB.

2. Let the PC do what it wants to do to detect it..

3. After it finished his work, you have to act smart,

” Here goes the real thing ” 

4. Right Click on My Computer -> Properties

5. Advanced -> Performance Settings

6. Advanced -> Change

7. Select the Pen Drive

8. Click on Custom Size

” Check the value of space available ”

9. Enter the same in the Initial and the Max columns

” You just used the space of the PenDrive as a Virtual Memory ”


OILA !!! Your PC is fast and furious   Enjoy...........

Thats it i hope you like your new Pen-drive Tric ! Check out more of our Cool Tricks

if you like this Post please comment for us









































How to detect a keylogger in your computer






Keylogger is the software program or a hardware which reads and store all the key stroke by a user in the system it is installed.

Having a keylogger in the system means you are going to loose some thing big. If your system is infected by a keylogger, your email id, facebook account, bank account and all other secure data is on the risk. Now a days hackers are active enough and many website offering free software download with keyloggers attached in it. So you need to know how to protect your system from keyloggers. If you want to know how to detect a keyloggers in a system, you can follow these points:

1. Check the task list by press ctrl+alt+del in windows. Examine all the tasks running in your system, if you are unsure about a task look it up on a search engine.

2. Run your antivirus checker, it's possible this will pick up the Keylogger on your system.

3. Use the system configuration utility to determine which task are loaded at start-up (type "msconfig" in the run box to start).

4. Download a specific keylogger detector program, and see if it detects anything.

5. Scan your hard disk for the most recent files stored. Look at the contents of any files continually updating (these might be logs created by antivirus).

Thats it i hope you like how to detect keylogger ! Check out more...



























































Twitter Trick That Can Get You More Followers




Secret Twitter Trick That Can Get You 500+ Followers In 1 Day

Hello my friends!

I thought I will share this KILLER Twitter Trick with my TrickLovers, this trick SO simple but yet so powerful that without using any script you will get hundreds of people following you day and night.

So lets get started..

Getting Followers at Twitter can be pain in butt, you can use some tools to automate your work, but not everyone will follow you back. But with this trick people will follow you, no need to beg or follow them. These people will find you and follow you..

Step by Step.

1. Find the guru’s/leaders in your industry.

This is most important part of this Twitter trick, finding the leaders in the industry that people would want to follow. Since I am in the network marketing & social media industry I would say people like: Mike Dillard, Frank Kern, Anthony Robbins, Jonathan Budd, Maria Andros, Gary Vaynerchuk and the list goes on..

or if you just want to have LOTS of friends you can pick the top 10 twitter users below:

TIP: it’s not the quantity. it’s the quality that counts! Sure a bigger following will improve your social proof, but in the end of the day you want to have all your following to do a certain action. So if you are creating a big following, you have to connect with all of them!

2. Select 10 people that you want to target, or in other words 10 people that you want to follow and are targeted for your industry. Tweeters with 20-30k+ followers are usually great to target.

3. Open 10 tabs and in each tab you must have each profile open, so tab 1 = profile 1, tab 2 = profile 2, so on and so forth so you have 10 tabs with 10 twitter profiles of top 10 industry leaders.

4. Now follow all of them, one by one follow all the 10.

5. Now here is the TRICK, every time you follow someone your name comes on top of their list of followers, so anyone who is following them will follow you, anyone who is following their followers will follow you first, anyone checking their profile will check your profile, anyone that sees their twit see yours first, so if you have 10 profiles and you keep following and unfollowing them every 5 minutes within x minutes/hours you will have 200-300 people following you.

How this works?

Basically top 10 tweeters get 1000s and 1000s of adds every hour (not only that they get thousands and thousands of visitors to their profile), and when they are adding they check their followers so if you are on top of their list they follow you as well. Or if anyone else is using bot to follow the followers of these top 10 you will be the first one they will follow.

This works all the time, whats even funnier, YOUR PROFILE gets a high PR backlink..
































  1) Google trick to search different file formats (keyword filetype:doc)
2) Finding the time of any location (time MUMBAI)
3) Google trick to search educational resources (keyword
4)Finding the weather of any location (mumbai weather)
5)Tracking commentary of live events (cwc india 2011)
6)Converting currencies (1 USD in INR)(10 US Dollars in Indian Rupee)
7) Using Google as a calculator (9 * 122)(13+236)(19-4)
8) how many seconds there are in a year (seconds in a year)
9) Tracking stocks (stocks:rel)
10)Finding faces (add imgtype=face to the URL)
11) Get Local Weather
Type: “weather [city name or zip/postal code]”
Example: “weather 400092 or “weather mumbai
12) Check Flight Status
Google automagically pulls flight data from All you have to do is enter the flight number. Type: [flight name and/or number]
Example: “bc254″ or “newyork21″
13) Convert Distances
Type: “[value] [first distance unit] to [second distance unit]”
Example: “100 kilometers to miles”
14 Find a Phone Number
Find a Person:
Type: “[person’s name], [city or zip/postal code]”
Example: “ ram , mumbai
Find a Business/store:
Type: “[business name or type], [city or zip/postal code]”
Example: “book store, mumbai



















































Airtel 3G Free GPRS Trick (100% Working) 

                                                                                                                                                                                           Hello friends after a long interval we are again back with another Working trick for Airtel Users all over India. This trick will allows you to access 3G connection at the maximum speed in your area. You can use this trick without any risk of SIM block or any other. This can also be used in both 2G and 3G networks.

airtel ucap trick








Features of the Trick

  • No SIM Block

  • No Speed Capping

  • Confirmed working in Many states

To set up this trick just follow the simple steps provided below.

  • All the detailed steps are given below as a PDF file. So just download it and follow the steps.
















How To Compress 1 GB File To 100 MB

KGB Archiver 

 Here we are providing KGB Archiver to compress a 1 GB file To 100 MB File.KGB Archiver is an open source utility which can compress 1 GB file into 100 Mb file.Data compression feature of the utility is based on the PAQ6 algorithm which has AES-256 powerful encryption.The most advanced feature of this utility is that it can work on both Windows and Linux.The software provides a high compression ratio which in turn helps in the high compression of 1Gb to 100MB.The compression time may vary depending upon the size and format of the file to be compressed.

When any file compressed with KGB archiver,it automatically recognizes the file format and save its own extension.The major limitation of the KGB archiver is that the file compressed with KGB Archiver cannot be decompressed or extracted with any other extraction utility.i.e.,the file compressed with KGB Archiver can only be decompressed with the utility itself.So for decompressing a file compressed by your friend,the KGB Archiver should be there in your computer.So download it from the below given link.
Features  Of  KGB Archiver
(1)  Supports its own .kgb files and general .zip files.
(2)  AES-256 Encryption.
(3)  Unicode is supported in file systems and user interface.
(4)  Self-extracting Archives can be produced.
(5)  Supports multi-languages(Arabic,Spanish,German,English.Greek,Japanese etc.)
(6)  Password protected compressed file can be made.
(7)  An explorer shell extension is available in windows OS.
System Requirements !
*  256 Ram (2 GB Recommended).
*  1.5 GHz Processor or upper recommended

Download Here 


















































How to Place Facebook Chat On Firefox Sidebar



Facebook Chat is cool, at least it allows you to send instant messages to online Facebook contacts. However I’m not really a fan of the chat bar being at the bottom of the page, what if I’ve left Facebook but still wants to remain chatting with my Facebook contacts? If you are using Firefox, you can place the Facebook Chat at the sidebar.

Step 1

Look for Bookmarks on the top navigation. Select Organize Bookmarks…

facebook chat

Step 2

Click New Bookmark... tab and enter the following:

  • Name: Facebook Chat

  • Location:

  • Check Load this bookmark in sidebar.


Step 3

Launch the Firefox sidebar, click Facebook Chat and start chatting with your Facebook contacts within Firefox.






















































MegaTypers Multi Accounts Registration


 There are many megatypers workers who ask how to create multiple megatypers accounts with single Perfect Money Account. Yes they can create accounts with single perfect money account.

Follow each step and create multiple megatypers accounts with single Perfect Money Account.

Go to

Step:2 Fill the form.

Step:3 Don't not give payment method of perfect at that time. Give Western Union payment method at that time.

Step:4 If you need invitation Code then give one of below Code.






Step:5  Rewrite the captcha and click on Register.

Step:6  Login to your account click on Profile and Payments

Step: 7Change your payment method to Perfect Money Paypal or Payza account. Write your perfect money, Paypal or Payza account number. Write your email and password of megaytpers ID and click on update.

Create A Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows

creating undeleteable files

In this tutorial you will learn cool and simple trick to Create an undeletable and unrenamable Folders In Windows operating system. Most of the Peoples are not aware that it is possible to create Undeletable, Unrenamable folder in windows without any software. To Test this concept just follow simple steps given below.

Try to make a new folder in windows & give it name con,aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9. you won't be allowed to create folder with above mentioned names, Because they are reserved words in windows.

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?

  1. Go to Start and then Click on Run

  1. Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).

  1. Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:

  1. Type D: or E: and hit enter

  1. Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)

  1. You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.

  1. Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.

  1. Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.

How to delete that folder ?

It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.

  1. Open Command Prompt

  1. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter

  1. Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)

  1. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed.

- See more at:

Create A Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders In Windows

creating undeleteable files

In this tutorial you will learn cool and simple trick to Create an undeletable and unrenamable Folders In Windows operating system. Most of the Peoples are not aware that it is possible to create Undeletable, Unrenamable folder in windows without any software. To Test this concept just follow simple steps given below.

Try to make a new folder in windows & give it name con,aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9. you won't be allowed to create folder with above mentioned names, Because they are reserved words in windows.

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?

  1. Go to Start and then Click on Run

  1. Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).

  1. Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:

  1. Type D: or E: and hit enter

  1. Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)

  1. You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.

  1. Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.

  1. Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.

How to delete that folder ?

It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.

  1. Open Command Prompt

  1. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter

  1. Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)

  1. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed.

- See more at:

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